Personality Disk Jockeys         

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Alan Freed
Inducted into Rock Hall in 1986
Doug "Jocko" Henderson
Bob Horn

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Murray   Kaufman Dewey Phillips Bob "Wolfman Jack" Smith

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Peter Tripp

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Tom Donahue
Inducted into Rock Hall in 1996

Joe Niagara

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Dick "Huggy Boy" Hugg

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Tommy "Dr. Jive" Smalls

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Hunter Hancock

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Porky Chedwick

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George "Hound Dog" Lorenz

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John "John R" Richbourg

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Red Robinson

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Peter "Mad Daddy" Myers

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Zenas Sears

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George Oxford

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Gene Nobles

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Robin Seymour

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Jerry Blavat

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Arnie Ginsburg

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Bill Randle

Rock Radio Scrapebook: Canada's Aircheck Archive
The History of Rock and Roll time sweeps
The History of Rock and Roll time sweep -1981
Philadelphia Broadcast Pioneers
Telecommunications History: Broadcasting Guide